Our Partners

Hāpai’s vision is to be the pre-eminent collective iwi property investor. Hāpai partners with mana whenua iwi and hapū to combine capacity with proprietary opportunities, creating collective value. There are currently 36 iwi partners across the Hāpai family and is continuing to grow.

National Scale


There are currently 36 iwi and Māori investors or partners across the Hāpai family – and is continuing to grow.

Hāpai’s vision is to become the pre-eminent collective iwi property investor.

Tribal areas (rohe) are spread across the motu, from Ōtakou in the south, to Te Tauihu, - the top of the South Island, Wharekauri - Chatham Islands and throughout the Te Ika ā Maui - North Island.

A collective approach broadens diversification and better manages risk for iwi investors.

National spread delivers opportunities and makes Hāpai a strong partner for Crown and other national entities.

Hāpai partners with mana whenua iwi and hapū to combine capacity with proprietary opportunities and creating collective value.


*Note: map locations are indicative only and do not represent partners full rohe.